Scientific research is a modern necessity,so that one can understand the nature, objectives, benefits, consequences, potential risks, and adverse effects related to the subject of the it.
It is one of the most important activities of modern era in all fields of human activity.
It is a systematic and methodical work (at both theoretical and experimental levels) characterized by strict logic,aimed at verifying or rejecting the formulated hypothesis.Scientific research accepts that for knowledge to be valid, it must be verified by empirical data and aim for generalization so that its conclusions have the greatest possible strength.Its achievements are particularly tangible, and its effects seem to define everyday life.
In the global and boundless space of science and research, each country and region can claim its own place, provided that it has the necessary mechanisms that enable researchers to produce innovative, reliable, and useful results and tools.Following this king of framework the Alexandros. Mpaltatzis Foundation supports the work of existing scientific, research, and other similar institutions and individuals who serve the production of knowledge and contribute to the spatial and economic development through their work.